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Lawrence Scott

What Is A Thermal Response Test?

One of the most common questions we see from clients in the ground source market is what is a Thermal Response Test? And do I need one?

A Thermal Response Test is used to determine the insitu thermal ground properties surround the borehole in the form of Thermal Conductivity W·m·K and Thermal Resistance K⋅m/W. These values can then be fed into modelling software such as EED, GLHEPro or GLD to design an accurate borehole array model.

Testing equipment such as our Rock Geotechnical Thermal Response Test box is connected up to the top of borehole, internal heating elements (Up to 18kW) provide a source of heat and a circulation pump transmits it around the borehole. Whilst this is ongoing highly accurate temperature sensors are measuring water temperature into and out of the borehole logging it to the machines onboard datalogger.

Whilst Thermal Response Tests are traditionally only conducted on larger multi-borehole systems, we are increasingly seeing them done on smaller and mid-sized systems as a way of 'proving' the design, not only ensuring compliance but often reducing the total amount of borehole length that needs to be drilled.

Whilst running Thermal Response Tests can at first seem daunting here at Rock Geotechnical we can provide full training & ongoing support for the lifetime of the machine as well as supplying the Thermal Response Test Equipment.

If you'd like to know more or simply need some advise then don't hesitate to get in touch at

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